Global Partners
Espaҫo Nova Vida
‘New Life Space’ in Lisbon, Portugal, is a daughter church of New Life Church, Sleaford. What began in a garage in 2010, has transformed into a multi-function building at the heart of its community. Led by Carla Gonҫalves, the church now has its own premises in two regions of the city, which both operate a foodbank alongside other community activities.
Education For Life
Glyn and Jane Davies set up ‘Education for Life’ after seeing the plight of children in Mombasa, Kenya; their lack of food and education and general hunger for the Word of God. Education for Life now runs a Kindergarten, Primary & High School in Timbwani, alongside a feeding programme for over 700 children daily. The Victoria Fund supports children with Special Needs (medical or educational) as needed.
For more info, see: www.educationforlife.net
The Burrows Family
Ed and Kathy Burrows, along with their two children Nathanael and Eliana, will be serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Liberia, West Africa. Ed, who trained as a pilot with the RAF, felt called to join MAF who fly in remote areas around the world.
For more info, see: www.wingingitburrows.com
The Message Trust
The Message is a UK Christian charity delivering Christian schools work, creating Christian Youth resources whilst encouraging local Christian mission and evangelism training. They are a worldwide movement passionate about sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the hardest-to-reach young people in words and deeds.
For more information, see: www.message.org.uk/
Chris Bowater
Chris’ passion is helping people across the world discover their Godly potential and to release that within the worshipping life of the Church. He desires to see worshippers with a strong sense of God’s favour on their lives, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, affirmed, equipped and empowered.
New Zoi Ministries
Enoch & Tina operate ‘New Zoi Ministries’ in Pakistan where they aim to reach the lost and marginalised. The scope of New Zoi’s impact includes education, foster care, health, orphan care, rescuing children and families from modern day slavery, and sharing the Gospel with the least.