Larder Shopping List
Here’s a list of the foods that we’re currently in most need of. You can drop off any donations from Monday’s to Friday’s, 10am-4pm at New Life Church, Mareham Lane, Sleaford, NG34 7JP.
Tinned ravioli
Tinned chilli, curry etc.
Tinned hotdogs
Tinned Macaroni Cheese
Fray Bentos Pies
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Puddings (rice pudding etc.)
UHT Milk
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Carrots
Snack pasta
Snack rice
Snack noodles
Tinned meat (stews, casseroles etc.)
We’re only able to operate the Community Larder through the fantastic support shown by our local community and church through their generous giving. If you’d like to support the Community larder, you can either choose to give a one time gift or set up regular giving using the button below!